Archivos de etiquetas: Stanley G. Payne

La Europa revolucionaria

El reputado historiador Stanley G. Payne nos ofrece sus tesis más controvertidas sobre nuestra propia historia, así como una visión interna de dos geurras mundiales: la revolución de la Primera Guerra Mundial, donde realizará un análisis de la época que desembocaría en esta primera gran guerra; el conflicto español como …

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Spain, A Unique History

From bloodthirsty conquest to exotic romance, stereotypes of Spain abound. This new volume by distinguished historian Stanley G. Payne draws on his half-century of experience to offer a balanced, broadly chronological survey of Spanish history from the Visigoths to the present. Who were the first Spaniards ? Is Spain a …

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The Collapse of the Spanish Republic, 1933-1936

  This book focuses on the short but crucial period that led to the collapse of the Spanish Republic and set the stage for the ensuing civil war. Stanley G. Payne, an internationally known scholar of modern Spanish history, details the political shifts that occurred from 1933 to 1936 and …

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